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26 Mar 19 Evening Program.

Announcing the function.

Announcing the function.

Rousing voices .

Rousing voices .

Spirited song.

Spirited song.

Chorus by young artists .

Chorus by young artists .

 Guests in the front row .

Guests in the front row .

A solo by a young artist .

A solo by a young artist .

Dance sequel by young artists .

Dance sequel by young artists .

 Beautiful rendering by a young artist.

Beautiful rendering by a young artist.

Invited guests in the function .

Invited guests in the function .

Professional artist on the microphone .

Professional artist on the microphone .

Solo by an artists .

Solo by an artists .

Chorus by lady artists .

Chorus by lady artists .

A beautiful song .

A beautiful song .

Clap for the artists.

Clap for the artists.

President with the Honored Members

President with the Honored Members

Closing speech by President BDP.

Closing speech by President BDP.